Region IV Mental Health Services

about us
Region IV Mental Health Services has served Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo Counties since 1972. Region IV expanded the service locations to Desoto County in 2010. Region IV Mental Health Services provides out-patient services to individuals in need of mental health and alcohol and drug abuse at facilities in Alcorn, Desoto, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo Counties.
At each facility the following services are offered:
Individual Psychotherapy
Group Psychotherapy
Family Psychotherapy
Case Management Services
Psychiatric Services
Nursing Services
Psychosocial Rehabilitation Services (Clubhouse)
School Based Services
Adolescent Offenders Program
Acute Partial Hospitalization Services (Prentiss County only)

In addition to out-patient services, Region IV also operates a residential treatment for alcohol and drug clients, two residential crisis centers, pharmacy services, and an NFusion Program. Our Alcohol and Drug facility, Region IV Chemical Dependency Complex, is located in Alcorn County and can house 24 males and 12 females. The CDC offers both primary alcohol, drug treatment and secondary alcohol and drug treatment. Region IV has in-patient Crisis Stabilization Units, which are located in Batesville and Corinth, MS.
Region IV has constructed HUD subsidized housing in Alcorn, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo Counties for individuals suffering from serious mental illness but are capable of living independently.
Each apartment complex has 18 one-bedroom apartments and a resident manager apartment with the exception of Prentiss County, which consist of 21 apartments and a resident manager apartment.

Region IV provides ID/DD Services in all five Counties:
Alcorn, Desoto, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo.
Day Service Programs are available in Desoto, Prentiss, Tippah, and Tishomingo Counties.
Services provided in the day service program include day service adult, day habilitation, prevocational, and supported employment. Supervised Living Program is available in Alcorn County and serves males who receive the IDD waiver.